
Welcome and thank you for your interest in Blair Financials. Growing up building credit, financial literacy and wealth management was not a topic of discussion. Learning how to utilize money and manage credit put me in a better position in life. The key to success is never giving up but you also need the knowledge.

Now I assist other individuals and small businesses with managing their wealth. So, I am happy you are here! Whether it is to gain control over your own personal finances or to manage your day-to-day small business accounts, you have come to the right place.

 For personal finances, I offer products and services to help you better manage your money, so you can ultimately live life on your own terms. It starts with creating a realistic budget. We will begin with a consultation for both of us to best understand your needs. Some talking points will be credit repair, debt relief, budgeting, and much more. I have step-by-step methodical advantages to turn your financial life around. With the right mindset this is where I can help you dig deep and find that determination.

I have over 6 years of experience helping corporate and small businesses with their bookkeeping and accounting needs. While studying business management & accounting I found my passion in helping small businesses grow and stay on track financially. I know that managing business finances is no simple task; from tracking expenses, managing accounts payables, cashflow, and managing other day-to-day tasks, this becomes another full-time responsibility. I am here to take this task off your plate, so you can focus on growing your business. With growth, comes more responsibility! That is where we come in.

-Ke’shea Blair